March 30, 2019
Augustana (Ill.) - Rock Island, IL

Women's 1500 Meters

1 Kathryn Vander Poel SR-4 Mount Mercy 4:51.34 10
2 Andrea Ertz JR-3 Mount Mercy 4:53.38 8
3 Kemunto Ondande SR-4 Loras 4:55.08 7
4 Vanessa Cortes JR-3 Mount Mercy 4:56.90 6
5 Yaneli Guajardo SO-2 Lake Forest 4:57.58 5
6 Ashley Plumb SR-4 St. Ambrose 4:57.68 4
7 Emma Davison FR-1 North Iowa Area CC 4:58.58 3
8 Sarika Temme-Bapat FR-1 U. of Chicago 4:59.40 2
9 McKenna Johnson SO-2 Mount Mercy 5:00.80 1
10 Misbah Baig SO-2 Harper College 5:03.16 -
11 Abby Sears SR-4 St. Ambrose 5:05.05 -
12 Charleen Mascote SO-2 St. Francis (Ill.) 5:05.74 -
13 Trinity Borland FR-1 Wartburg 5:06.95 -
14 Molly Walkner SR-4 Loras 5:08.25 -
15 Shaelyn McEnany SR-4 Wartburg 5:09.08 -
16 Veronica Navarrete SO-2 St. Francis (Ill.) 5:09.13 -
17 Kaylee Osterberger FR-1 Loras 5:09.66 -
18 Sandra Kromminga   Iowa Track and Field Club 5:10.28 -
19 Emily Erickson FR-1 Mount Mercy 5:10.34 -
20 Emily Riesenberg SR-4 Clarke 5:11.85 -
21 Emma Duncan FR-1 St. Ambrose 5:12.45 -
22 Claire Ronnebaum FR-1 Clarke 5:13.20 -
23 Alexa Zamora SR-4 Mount Mercy 5:14.21 -
24 Stephanie Cruz JR-3 St. Francis (Ill.) 5:14.96 -
25 Emily Staufer SO-2 Lake Forest 5:16.20 -
26 Lexi Bennis SO-2 Augustana (Ill.) 5:16.94 -
27 Jamie Manchen SR-4 Beloit 5:17.84 -
28 Jacque Garza SO-2 Wartburg 5:18.43 -
29 Mady Roth JR-3 Mount Mercy 5:19.40 -
30 Hannah Insko SO-2 Loras 5:19.45 -
31 Brianna Renner FR-1 Loras 5:20.46 -
32 Kelsi Huhndorf FR-1 Mount Mercy 5:22.44 -
33 Sam Stuba   Iowa Track and Field Club 5:24.28 -
34 Maggie Utgaard SR-4 Augustana (Ill.) 5:24.52 -
35 Athena Lesiotis SO-2 Quincy 5:25.48 -
36 Olivia Moore   Iowa Track and Field Club 5:26.27 -
37 Molly Gniady SO-2 Lake Forest 5:27.06 -
38 Jessica Mendenhall FR-1 St. Ambrose 5:27.12 -
39 Allissa Neubauer FR-1 Wartburg 5:28.52 -
40 Emma Sinnwell FR-1 Wartburg 5:29.32 -
41 Jessi Gessner SO-2 Harper College 5:30.05 -
42 Taylor Anhalt SR-4 Albion 5:30.65 -
43 Fiona Cismesia SO-2 Beloit 5:33.26 -
44 Abby Schotter SO-2 SW Minnesota St. 5:33.67 -
45 Olivia Hogenkamp SO-2 Augustana (Ill.) 5:37.57 -
46 McKayla Morris SR-4 Coe 5:38.40 -
47 Morayma Barron JR-3 St. Francis (Ill.) 5:41.94 -
48 Amy Brouch SO-2 St. Ambrose 5:41.94 -
49 Katie Iverson SO-2 Augustana (Ill.) 5:44.95 -
50 Clare Dunne FR-1 Wartburg 5:46.61 -
51 Gwyneth Phillips   Iowa Track and Field Club 5:48.08 -
52 Alyssa Taglia FR-1 Concordia Univ. Chicago 5:48.21 -
53 Jacqueline Bacon SO-2 St. Francis (Ill.) 5:48.54 -
54 Hannah Schilling FR-1 St. Francis (Ill.) 5:48.67 -
55 Haley Wolf   Iowa Track and Field Club 5:49.85 -
56 Allison Woods JR-3 Mount Mercy 5:55.12 -
57 Ashton Leslie JR-3 Quincy 5:56.77 -
58 Sarah Nelson FR-1 Harper College 5:57.18 -
59 Alyssa Knudson SR-4 Coe 5:57.24 -
60 Deanna Anglin JR-3 Lincoln College 6:06.48 -
61 Emma Newsham FR-1 Beloit 6:07.12 -
62 Mariah Pellino SO-2 Clarke 6:08.42 -
63 Allison Rogers   Unattached 6:16.69 -
64 Janette Moreno SO-2 Concordia Univ. Chicago 6:19.15 -
65 Pam Friede   Iowa Track and Field Club 6:30.55 -
66 Sarah High   Illinois Track Club 6:34.99 -
67 Tegan Pantenburg FR-1 St. Ambrose 6:36.52 -
68 Maggie Baugh FR-1 Beloit 6:37.57 -
69 Madison Mayer FR-1 Augustana (Ill.) 6:37.89 -
70 Lizzy Flores FR-1 Concordia Univ. Chicago 6:42.70 -
71 Madalyn Urig FR-1 Illinois Tech 6:54.42 -
72 Natalia Kucharczyk SO-2 Rockford 7:36.71 -
Women's 1500 Meters Section 1
22 Claire Ronnebaum FR-1 Clarke 5:13.20 6:31.50 6:22.11 -
35 Athena Lesiotis SO-2 Quincy 5:25.48 4:59.45 4:20.39 -
47 Morayma Barron JR-3 St. Francis (Ill.) 5:41.94 4:54.07 5:11.17 -
51 Gwyneth Phillips   Iowa Track and Field Club 5:48.08 4:55.87 4:14.10 -
52 Alyssa Taglia FR-1 Concordia Univ. Chicago 5:48.21 5:30.80 6:54.37 -
53 Jacqueline Bacon SO-2 St. Francis (Ill.) 5:48.54 6:54.77 4:28.38 -
54 Hannah Schilling FR-1 St. Francis (Ill.) 5:48.67 4:21.51 5:13.81 -
58 Sarah Nelson FR-1 Harper College 5:57.18 6:40.05 6:47.19 -
61 Emma Newsham FR-1 Beloit 6:07.12 4:31.67 5:23.07 -
62 Mariah Pellino SO-2 Clarke 6:08.42 7:18.42 4:32.63 -
64 Janette Moreno SO-2 Concordia Univ. Chicago 6:19.15 6:15.36 6:45.69 -
65 Pam Friede   Iowa Track and Field Club 6:30.55 6:18.84 6:57.89 -
66 Sarah High   Illinois Track Club 6:34.99 6:07.34 8:01.89 -
67 Tegan Pantenburg FR-1 St. Ambrose 6:36.52 6:52.38 7:32.04 -
68 Maggie Baugh FR-1 Beloit 6:37.57 8:16.97 5:29.99 -
69 Madison Mayer FR-1 Augustana (Ill.) 6:37.89 7:57.47 5:22.29 -
70 Lizzy Flores FR-1 Concordia Univ. Chicago 6:42.70 8:11.30 6:02.43 -
71 Madalyn Urig FR-1 Illinois Tech 6:54.42 7:02.71 8:33.88 -
72 Natalia Kucharczyk SO-2 Rockford 7:36.71 8:13.25 8:58.92 -
Women's 1500 Meters Section 2
33 Sam Stuba   Iowa Track and Field Club 5:43.74 5:24.28 -
37 Molly Gniady SO-2 Lake Forest 5:46.69 5:27.06 -
38 Jessica Mendenhall FR-1 St. Ambrose 4:51.14 5:27.12 -
39 Allissa Neubauer FR-1 Wartburg 6:53.94 5:28.52 -
42 Taylor Anhalt SR-4 Albion 5:40.57 5:30.65 -
43 Fiona Cismesia SO-2 Beloit 5:29.93 5:33.26 -
44 Abby Schotter SO-2 SW Minnesota St. 7:13.78 5:33.67 -
45 Olivia Hogenkamp SO-2 Augustana (Ill.) 5:03.82 5:37.57 -
49 Katie Iverson SO-2 Augustana (Ill.) 6:02.20 5:44.95 -
50 Clare Dunne FR-1 Wartburg 7:06.33 5:46.61 -
55 Haley Wolf   Iowa Track and Field Club 4:53.88 5:49.85 -
56 Allison Woods JR-3 Mount Mercy 6:55.49 5:55.12 -
57 Ashton Leslie JR-3 Quincy 7:33.10 5:56.77 -
59 Alyssa Knudson SR-4 Coe 7:30.13 5:57.24 -
60 Deanna Anglin JR-3 Lincoln College 7:16.12 6:06.48 -
63 Allison Rogers   Unattached 7:47.10 6:16.69 -
Women's 1500 Meters Section 3
14 Molly Walkner SR-4 Loras 4:31.26 6:16.07 4:43.59 5:08.25 4:43.59 6:37.65 -
17 Kaylee Osterberger FR-1 Loras 5:37.53 5:06.57 5:46.82 5:09.66 5:00.37 4:57.28 -
19 Emily Erickson FR-1 Mount Mercy 4:30.00 4:20.69 5:32.07 5:10.34 5:38.27 6:06.21 -
20 Emily Riesenberg SR-4 Clarke 6:36.05 5:11.85 5:27.45 5:11.85 5:49.28 5:33.68 -
21 Emma Duncan FR-1 St. Ambrose 4:19.34 6:21.19 5:06.20 5:12.45 5:56.20 6:08.70 -
24 Stephanie Cruz JR-3 St. Francis (Ill.) 6:02.21 5:52.76 4:43.47 5:14.96 5:37.01 5:24.41 -
27 Jamie Manchen SR-4 Beloit 3:45.67 6:27.77 5:08.31 5:17.84 3:48.85 4:14.28 -
28 Jacque Garza SO-2 Wartburg 5:40.72 4:56.14 4:33.85 5:18.43 5:43.91 3:58.83 -
29 Mady Roth JR-3 Mount Mercy 3:46.78 3:49.97 6:52.03 5:19.40 4:53.85 6:52.03 -
30 Hannah Insko SO-2 Loras 6:20.15 5:45.01 6:52.09 5:19.45 5:22.65 6:04.18 -
31 Brianna Renner FR-1 Loras 5:17.26 4:06.76 4:38.80 5:20.46 3:53.94 4:58.03 -
32 Kelsi Huhndorf FR-1 Mount Mercy 6:55.95 4:05.06 5:06.32 5:22.44 5:06.32 5:32.12 -
34 Maggie Utgaard SR-4 Augustana (Ill.) 5:37.50 5:27.77 3:50.41 5:24.52 4:42.34 5:40.75 -
36 Olivia Moore   Iowa Track and Field Club 5:13.22 4:47.12 6:57.63 5:26.27 4:47.12 4:43.86 -
40 Emma Sinnwell FR-1 Wartburg 4:23.46 5:58.96 6:35.19 5:29.32 5:26.03 5:39.20 -
41 Jessi Gessner SO-2 Harper College 3:51.04 5:39.96 4:47.15 5:30.05 5:36.66 4:00.94 -
46 McKayla Morris SR-4 Coe 5:14.72 5:24.87 4:44.26 5:38.40 4:44.26 5:45.17 -
48 Amy Brouch SO-2 St. Ambrose 5:21.43 5:07.75 6:16.14 5:41.94 6:09.30 5:35.11 -
Women's 1500 Meters Section 4
1 Kathryn Vander Poel SR-4 Mount Mercy 4:51.34 4:42.60 10
2 Andrea Ertz JR-3 Mount Mercy 4:53.38 5:40.32 8
3 Kemunto Ondande SR-4 Loras 4:55.08 5:21.64 7
4 Vanessa Cortes JR-3 Mount Mercy 4:56.90 6:23.01 6
5 Yaneli Guajardo SO-2 Lake Forest 4:57.58 4:27.83 5
6 Ashley Plumb SR-4 St. Ambrose 4:57.68 4:48.75 4
7 Emma Davison FR-1 North Iowa Area CC 4:58.58 6:07.26 3
8 Sarika Temme-Bapat FR-1 U. of Chicago 4:59.40 3:53.54 2
9 McKenna Johnson SO-2 Mount Mercy 5:00.80 4:06.66 1
10 Misbah Baig SO-2 Harper College 5:03.16 4:38.91 -
11 Abby Sears SR-4 St. Ambrose 5:05.05 5:41.66 -
12 Charleen Mascote SO-2 St. Francis (Ill.) 5:05.74 6:22.18 -
13 Trinity Borland FR-1 Wartburg 5:06.95 6:17.55 -
15 Shaelyn McEnany SR-4 Wartburg 5:09.08 6:23.26 -
16 Veronica Navarrete SO-2 St. Francis (Ill.) 5:09.13 6:38.78 -
18 Sandra Kromminga   Iowa Track and Field Club 5:10.28 4:39.26 -
23 Alexa Zamora SR-4 Mount Mercy 5:14.21 4:05.09 -
25 Emily Staufer SO-2 Lake Forest 5:16.20 5:16.20 -
26 Lexi Bennis SO-2 Augustana (Ill.) 5:16.94 3:45.03 -