April 26-28, 2018
Penn Franklin Field - Philadelphia, PA

Men's 1,600m Sprint Medley Division 2

0 Dominican (N.Y.) Seth Wilson, Andrew Pierre, Michael Merced, Jovan Zigic 3:16.34 2:37.97 3:45.67 2:44.74
0 Penn Ethan Chen, Kyle Oden, William Duchow, Joseph Novak 3:21.49 3:31.88 3:27.72 3:48.50
0 U. of Sciences Eric Papazian, Bill Hallinan, Ryan Ward, Johnathan Epstein 3:37.34 2:47.01 3:48.78 2:51.59
0 Coppin State Babadeji Balogun, Devin Teagle, Anija Addison, Mark London 2:49.22 3:43.54 3:28.91 4:08.61
0 Maine Benjamin Davis, Mozai Nelson, Elijah Yeboah, John Hassett 3:25.79 2:29.66 3:27.86 3:25.79
0 Troy Quinest Bishop, Rodney Thrift, Mark Cooke, Jordan Smith 3:28.17 3:46.91 3:28.17 3:42.75
0 St. Thomas Aquinas Jaren Scott, Dante Brown, St. Jacob Diodonet, Robert Guidicipietro 2:46.58 4:04.59 3:30.85 2:40.25
0 Virginia Union Ed'Treon Wilcox, Chazton McKenzie, Jordan Bolden, Charles Whitehead-Tillery 2:38.00 3:04.33 3:39.44 3:50.42
0 Maryland-Eastern Shore Chadera Egeonu, Nathaniel Sheppard, Timothy Brice, Ngoy Yamitshi 2:56.53 4:13.09 3:32.68 3:11.42
0 Monroe College Odane Artwell, Timothy Epps, Elijah Young, Thapelo Makofane 4:19.75 3:05.53 3:38.27 3:09.90
0 Iona Gerom Solis, Kevin Fullerton, Tim Susko, Robert Kirsty 4:25.94 4:07.10 3:29.40 4:28.04
0 Bowie State Bashir Lamptey, Jalen Sykes, Robert Thomas, Markese Miller 4:37.54 3:55.69 3:40.27 3:53.49
0 Delaware State Julius Allen, Edwin Rosembert, Kavante Dawson, Gerald Amobi 4:06.58 3:56.04 3:30.75 3:18.11
0 Rhode Island Joseph Carter, Jaleel Felton, Anthony Delasanta, Sam Coppola 3:54.58 3:52.52 3:25.77 4:08.99
0 Essex CC Ashony Williams, Juwan Augustine-Mayers, Davian Baker, Nathan Brown 2:51.08 3:18.88 3:33.84 4:23.03
0 Boston College Ryan Russell, J'Saun Bastien, Matt Morano, Stephen Valvano 2:52.87 3:29.15 3:33.41 4:31.03
0 Indiana Isaiah Ware, Treyton Harris, Derek Grimmer, Joseph Murphy 3:31.35 2:58.52 3:25.19 3:35.45
0 New Haven Jahir Blanton, Aron Sanabria, Kevin Antione, Michael Reddy 3:03.12 3:20.15 3:32.92 4:30.41
0 Holy Family Onasi Cuevas, Jamari Green, Cameron Wilburn, Taurai Augustin 3:33.35 4:19.07 3:37.70 3:50.77
0 Bloomfield Mikal Wright, Samuel Keleekai, Daveigh Brooks, Luiliam Texiera 3:46.05 2:30.02 3:25.50 4:14.82
0 Columbia Brock Thompson, Troy Martig, Vasilis Kopanas, Brian McGovern 2:56.14 3:12.92 3:29.69 4:15.83
0 Howard Kenneth Chigbue, Korey Lombard, Mekhi Closson, Mohamed Bah 3:59.79 4:35.86 3:32.20 2:54.01
0 St. Francis (N.Y.) Paul Clarke, Daniel Pagan, Feguy Magnan, Matthew Nieves 4:32.18 3:04.31 3:34.31 3:17.17
Men's 1,600m Sprint Medley Division 2 Section 1
0 Bloomfield Wright, Keleekai, Brooks, Texiera 3:25.50 3:39.89 3:33.72 3:23.45 2:48.51 2:32.07
0 Holy Family Cuevas, Green, Wilburn, Augustin 3:37.70 4:10.36 3:11.58 3:22.47 4:38.66 2:36.75
0 Indiana Ware, Harris, Grimmer, Murphy 3:25.19 3:47.76 2:35.95 2:42.10 2:40.05 2:48.26
0 Boston College Russell, Bastien, Morano, Valvano 3:33.41 2:29.39 3:41.95 4:37.44 3:22.74 3:59.02
0 Essex CC Williams, Augustine-Mayers, Baker, Brown 3:33.84 4:27.30 4:31.58 2:59.63 3:55.23 2:40.38
0 Rhode Island Carter, Felton, Delasanta, Coppola 3:25.77 4:15.16 3:58.70 3:48.41 3:48.41 2:59.02
0 Monroe College Artwell, Epps, Young, Makofane 3:38.27 4:28.48 3:51.37 4:00.10 4:43.76 3:18.63
0 Troy Bishop, Thrift, Cooke, Smith 3:28.17 3:21.93 4:24.38 3:40.66 3:55.24 3:15.68
0 Maine Davis, Nelson, Yeboah, Hassett 3:27.86 2:29.66 3:23.71 2:35.90 3:19.55 3:38.26
Men's 1,600m Sprint Medley Division 2 Section 2
0 Howard Chigbue, Lombard, Closson, Bah 2:41.28 3:32.20 2:32.79
0 New Haven Blanton, Sanabria, Antione, Reddy 4:11.25 3:32.92 2:33.31
0 Iona Solis, Fullerton, Susko, Kirsty 4:23.85 3:29.40 3:37.78
0 Maryland-Eastern Shore Egeonu, Sheppard, Brice, Yamitshi 4:23.73 3:32.68 3:00.78
0 St. Thomas Aquinas Scott, Brown, Diodonet, Guidicipietro 3:26.64 3:30.85 2:40.25
0 Coppin State Balogun, Teagle, Addison, London 2:55.49 3:28.91 4:06.52
0 Penn Chen, Oden, Duchow, Novak 2:29.56 3:27.72 3:40.19
Men's 1,600m Sprint Medley Division 2 Section 3
0 Delaware State Allen, Rosembert, Dawson, Amobi 2:46.50 3:30.75 3:26.54 3:56.04
0 St. Francis (N.Y.) Clarke, Pagan, Magnan, Nieves 4:36.46 3:34.31 4:08.60 3:21.46
0 Columbia Thompson, Martig, Kopanas, McGovern 3:23.40 3:29.69 3:15.02 3:56.95
0 Dominican (N.Y.) Wilson, Pierre, Merced, Zigic 2:49.26 3:45.67 2:58.28 3:09.57
0 Bowie State Lamptey, Sykes, Thomas, Miller 3:51.29 3:40.27 4:24.33 4:00.10
0 Virginia Union Wilcox, McKenzie, Bolden, Whitehead-Tillery 3:24.08 3:39.44 3:24.08 2:53.36
0 U. of Sciences Papazian, Hallinan, Ward, Epstein 4:23.10 3:48.78 4:32.25 4:16.24