April 13-15, 2017
El Camino College - Torrance, CA

Men's 4 x 400m Relay Division 1

1 Boise State A Dusty Fisher, Bryce Kirby, Alexandru Terpezan, Fernando Martinez 3:01.89 3:11.46 2:31.26 3:26.78 2:23.60 3:49.76
2 Minnesota State A John Schuster, JoVonte Suber, Isaiah Pitchford, Morris Dennis 2:56.41 3:11.75 3:25.18 2:18.06 2:58.33 3:13.67
3 Academy of Art A Michael Houston, Quinlan Wright, Christian Carter, Mobolade Ajomale 2:33.64 3:12.04 2:43.24 3:33.17 3:58.13 3:50.45
4 Iowa
C Aaron Mallett, Noah Larrison, Chris Thompson, Jared Ganschow 2:49.85 3:13.01 3:57.41 3:30.38 3:11.08 3:47.76
5 Utah Valley A Brandon Smart, Tyler Liddiard, Jordan Carder, Jake Morgan 2:15.27 3:13.23 2:53.91 3:22.90 3:28.69 2:50.05
6 Tiffin A 3:40.71 3:13.60 3:54.26 3:11.67 3:32.96 2:54.24
7 Southern Utah A Inoa Wahinehookae, Devon Montgomery, Brandan Harley, Justin Lewis 4:12.19 3:13.99 2:23.56 3:48.91 3:19.81 4:08.31
8 Iowa
D Antonio Woodard, Brendan Thompson, Matt Manternach, Will Teubel 2:21.86 3:14.33 3:47.37 2:58.79 3:12.39 2:19.92
9 Sacramento St. A Adam Huynh, Michael Turner, Eric Adorno, Alec Foster 2:21.89 3:14.36 3:41.57 2:58.82 4:12.67 4:08.78
10 Diablo Valley A Isaiah Mobley, Jerrick Bernstine, Jalen Evers-Threatt, Antwuin Prowes 3:06.60 3:14.37 3:49.36 2:52.99 4:06.85 3:59.08
11 UC Riverside A Matthew Reyes, Justin Parker, Ethan Van Setten, Zachary Lewis 3:01.05 3:14.67 3:30.25 3:45.82 4:11.13 4:07.23
12 Bethune-Cookman A Jonathan Moore, Christopher Jackson, Jordan Williams, Kareem Fair 3:55.66 3:14.76 3:10.87 2:47.50 3:53.72 3:22.55
13 Western State A Casey Lewis, Alex Schaffer, Elijah Gilbert, Robin Butler 3:07.77 3:15.59 3:17.55 2:56.04 2:42.34 3:19.51
14 Merritt A Asa Allen, Joshua Hall, Joshua Holman, John McDonald 2:40.87 3:16.18 3:45.61 2:36.95 2:38.91 4:09.15
15 Cal St. Los Angeles A Joshua Jeter, Reid Lightford, Milan Toliver, Malik Martin 2:27.14 3:24.36 2:41.45 3:18.23 4:05.24 4:23.63
Men's 4 x 400m Relay Division 1 Section 1
2 Minnesota State Schuster, Suber, Pitchford, Dennis 2:23.82 3:11.75
3 Academy of Art Houston, Wright, Carter, Ajomale 2:25.95 3:12.04
4 Iowa
Mallett, Larrison, Thompson, Ganschow 3:32.32 3:13.01
5 Utah Valley Smart, Liddiard, Carder, Morgan 4:09.27 3:13.23
6 Tiffin 3:54.26 3:13.60
7 Southern Utah Wahinehookae, Montgomery, Harley, Lewis 2:25.50 3:13.99
9 Sacramento St. Huynh, Turner, Adorno, Foster 3:35.74 3:14.36
Men's 4 x 400m Relay Division 1 Section 2
1 Boise State Fisher, Kirby, Terpezan, Martinez 2:31.26 3:11.46 2:44.66
8 Iowa
Woodard, Thompson, Manternach, Teubel 2:16.04 3:14.33 4:04.86
10 Diablo Valley Mobley, Bernstine, Evers-Threatt, Prowes 2:58.82 3:14.37 4:04.91
11 UC Riverside Reyes, Parker, Van Setten, Lewis 3:36.09 3:14.67 2:51.31
12 Bethune-Cookman Moore, Jackson, Williams, Fair 3:18.66 3:14.76 4:11.24
13 Western State Lewis, Schaffer, Gilbert, Butler 2:42.34 3:15.59 2:36.48
14 Merritt Allen, Hall, Holman, McDonald 4:01.31 3:16.18 2:52.64
15 Cal St. Los Angeles Jeter, Lightford, Toliver, Martin 3:55.02 3:24.36 3:14.15