March 30-April 1, 2017
William and Mary - Williamsburg, VA

Men's 4 x 800m Relay Division 3

1 Fordham Fritz Heinrich, Michael Petersen, Sean Phillips, Louis Santelli 7:10.61 5:56.53 9:48.04 7:43.02 8:01.54 9:34.15 10
2 George Mason Blaine Lacey, Logan Miller, Colin Cannon, Nathan Schulte 9:16.50 9:07.23 8:20.85 7:43.75 8:16.22 8:44.04 8
3 Columbia Willie Hall, Charlie Theiss, Brian McGovern, Johanan Sowah 6:11.45 8:44.67 6:39.31 7:44.31 7:21.10 6:48.60 6
4 Rutgers Ed Zaleck, Kyle Holder, Sean Martinek, Brendan Jaeger 9:41.29 9:55.24 5:34.83 7:45.03 8:31.54 7:07.83 5
5 Stonehill Duncan Burleigh, Alex Demeule, Riley Dowd, Stephen Vercollone 6:30.70 8:50.23 8:08.37 7:45.11 10:04.65 7:31.16 4
6 UMBC Ifa Eado, Ty Thronson, Andrew Kereszetes, Miles Smith 8:22.77 8:18.11 9:41.90 7:45.52 6:21.73 9:27.94 3
7 St. Joseph's (Pa.) Dan Ferraiolo, Dylan Eddinger, Barren McCoy, Jack Magee 8:28.93 6:22.86 9:24.95 7:46.90 7:14.22 6:08.86 2
8 Rider Isaiah Jean-Baptiste, Brook Wilson, Tom Long, Sam Knipper 5:37.02 5:32.34 6:33.19 7:48.08 8:48.93 9:07.66 1
9 William and Mary Cooper Leslie, Raul Chavez-Gutierre, Tyler Cox-Philyaw, Matthew Heinicke-Peart 6:10.73 6:34.19 9:51.28 7:49.27 7:25.81 7:16.43 -
10 Bucknell Sean Conway, Nick Pacelli, Kyle Adams, Jordan Jackson 9:39.88 9:02.16 5:30.01 7:51.44 7:23.16 7:18.44 -
11 Shippensburg Connor Holm, Matthew Gross, David Snyder, Dominic Stroh 5:41.38 6:05.09 9:38.45 7:54.14 6:47.76 6:52.51 -
12 UMass Lowell Sean Munnelly, Kevin Powers, Jackson Gallagher, Tyler Schmidt 9:25.52 5:56.42 7:40.97 7:55.22 6:10.68 6:24.93 -
13 Delaware State Gerald Amobi, Hanqaamo Lintiso, Cameron Burgess, Laray Smith 7:13.61 5:57.37 7:56.49 7:56.49 5:57.37 8:10.79 -
14 Johns Hopkins Brett Wolfinger, Colton Takata, Robert Dembinski, Arvind Arikatla 6:41.49 6:22.37 6:51.05 7:57.96 7:53.18 5:53.69 -
15 Manhattan John Dove, Jan Hoffman, Liam O'Brien, Adam Alshoubeki 7:17.88 8:01.18 9:32.61 8:01.18 7:41.94 6:53.82 -
16 La Salle Joseph Leconey, Dominic Mussoline, Trent Mangold, Chris Trimble 6:03.99 7:26.50 8:49.00 8:05.32 8:34.44 5:54.29 -
17 Marist Brian Henderson, Tanner Senius, Anthony Colasanto, Josh Siegel 8:55.75 7:52.43 10:18.54 8:07.04 9:00.62 9:49.32 -
18 George Washington Sawyer Bilton, Aiden Kolenik, Jakob Coombes, Evan Garry 8:48.12 5:52.08 6:12.20 8:22.97 6:17.23 10:18.66 -
Men's 4 x 800m Relay Division 3 Section 1
1 Fordham Heinrich, Petersen, Phillips, Santelli 8:15.44 6:24.31 7:43.02 10
2 George Mason Lacey, Miller, Cannon, Schulte 8:34.77 8:44.04 7:43.75 8
3 Columbia Hall, Theiss, McGovern, Sowah 9:07.89 8:02.89 7:44.31 6
4 Rutgers Zaleck, Holder, Martinek, Jaeger 7:58.98 6:25.98 7:45.03 5
5 Stonehill Burleigh, Demeule, Dowd, Vercollone 6:16.74 5:48.84 7:45.11 4
6 UMBC Eado, Thronson, Kereszetes, Smith 9:41.90 5:39.83 7:45.52 3
7 St. Joseph's (Pa.) Ferraiolo, Eddinger, McCoy, Magee 6:08.86 7:56.24 7:46.90 2
8 Rider Jean-Baptiste, Wilson, Long, Knipper 7:38.72 6:47.23 7:48.08 1
9 William and Mary Leslie, Chavez-Gutierre, Cox-Philyaw, Heinicke-Peart 9:46.59 8:17.43 7:49.27 -
10 Bucknell Conway, Pacelli, Adams, Jackson 8:43.30 9:25.73 7:51.44 -
16 La Salle Leconey, Mussoline, Mangold, Trimble 9:08.42 8:10.18 8:05.32 -
Men's 4 x 800m Relay Division 3 Section 2
11 Shippensburg Holm, Gross, Snyder, Stroh 7:54.14 9:43.20 -
12 UMass Lowell Munnelly, Powers, Gallagher, Schmidt 7:55.22 5:56.42 -
13 Delaware State Amobi, Lintiso, Burgess, Smith 7:56.49 10:05.15 -
14 Johns Hopkins Wolfinger, Takata, Dembinski, Arikatla 7:57.96 6:12.81 -
15 Manhattan Dove, Hoffman, O'Brien, Alshoubeki 8:01.18 8:01.18 -
17 Marist Henderson, Senius, Colasanto, Siegel 8:07.04 6:39.38 -
18 George Washington Bilton, Kolenik, Coombes, Garry 8:22.97 9:38.42 -