March 30-April 2, 2016
Texas-Mike A. Myers Stadium - Austin, TX

Boys 4 x 100m Relay HS Div. I Finals

1 Stafford Christopher Brantley, Eli Washington, James Brown, Cameron Montgomery 45.47 51.79 32.42 42.10 47.16 41.68
2 Crockett DeAnthony Epps, LaDarrian Jones, Griffin DaMarcus, Richardson DaMarkus 50.15 35.28 42.93 42.50 51.43 46.33
3 Liberty Christian School Ayodeji Amosun, Ryan Teague, Justus Lee, Givon Washington 36.18 50.22 34.48 42.56 30.22 50.65
4 Celina Ismael Ortiz, Luke Reeder, John Franklin, Andre Norman 33.63 47.25 30.22 42.56 53.20 45.12
5 Dallas Carter Marquis Borner, Demarviae Gray, Bernard Goodwater, Eddie Roden 44.97 53.53 44.97 42.82 44.97 52.24
6 Bishop Dunne Caleb Evans, Marquez Beason, Xavier Harvey, Tremayne Bell 38.13 33.42 37.70 42.84 34.70 42.42
7 Crandall Trent Struck, Demarcus Mitchell, Jordan Bryant, Chris Young 38.95 48.47 52.79 43.27 40.25 34.62
8 All Saints Episcopal (FW) Isaiah Harris, Turner Corbett, Quincy Jones, Walker Rynd 34.63 43.72 42.85 43.28 51.94 37.66
9 Coldspring-Oakhurst Don Taylor, Daylon Giddens, Edward Hayes, Ave'on Gilbert 50.22 49.79 31.45 43.67 43.67 52.84

Boys 4 x 100m Relay HS Div. I Preliminaries

1 Stafford Christopher Brantley, Eli Washington, James Brown, Cameron Montgomery 42.72 32.47 48.28 46.57
2 Bishop Dunne Caleb Evans, Marquez Beason, Xavier Harvey, Tremayne Bell 43.18 39.73 44.91 34.55
3 Celina Ismael Ortiz, Luke Reeder, John Franklin, Andre Norman 43.19 44.06 38.01 36.28
4 Crockett DeAnthony Epps, LaDarrian Jones, Griffin DaMarcus, Richardson DaMarkus 43.42 53.84 42.12 39.95
5 Dallas Carter Marquis Borner, Demarviae Gray, Bernard Goodwater, Eddie Roden 43.63 54.54 50.61 31.85
5 Liberty Christian School Ayodeji Amosun, Ryan Teague, Justus Lee, Givon Washington 43.63 50.61 46.69 40.14
7 Coldspring-Oakhurst Don Taylor, Daylon Giddens, Edward Hayes, Ave'on Gilbert 43.64 35.79 45.83 33.61
8 All Saints Episcopal (FW) Isaiah Harris, Turner Corbett, Quincy Jones, Walker Rynd 43.69 51.56 40.20 47.19
9 Crandall Trent Struck, Demarcus Mitchell, Jordan Bryant, Chris Young 43.71 33.22 34.53 38.91
10 La Vernia Jaymee Burns, Noah Wells, Micheal Wong, Koby Bullard 43.80 44.68 54.75 38.99
11 Giddings Tavion Page, Elijah Lewis, Traveon Johnson, Magowen Gentry 43.84 31.57 31.57 41.65
12 Waco La Vega Baylon Ware, Brandon Benson, Sir Morgan Loudd, Jamun Guilford 43.85 35.52 46.05 53.94
13 Burnet Steven Gallardo, Chris Cromer, Brock Foster, Joel Johnson 43.91 57.09 42.16 34.69
14 Boerne Kyle Byerley, Cole Dunaway, Andrew Kennell, Nic Novac 43.94 39.99 43.07 56.69
15 McGregor Tayvon Thompson, Johnathon Phenix, Jared Lorenz, Enrique Medina 44.07 44.51 37.90 34.82
16 Episcopal (Bellaire) Julius Young, Jordan Booker, Jaylen Waddle, Kenny Otah 44.16 56.53 42.84 32.68
17 Edna Isaac Shelton, Brad Kucera, Andrew Mathis, Marquis Bates 44.17 31.36 36.22 41.52
18 St. Johns School Alex Ramzel, Toby Emiola, Chris Randall, Genson Hooper Price 44.39 54.16 51.50 52.38
19 Robinson Darius Jackson, Matt Trout, Isaiah Houston, Jeremy Grubbs 44.43 50.21 53.76 45.32
20 Taylor Paul Key, Damarcus Fields, Delane Hornsby, Malik Jackson 44.43 31.55 35.55 43.99
21 Cuero Kamron Mathis, Trey Miles, Jordan Whittington, Keyanta Mack 44.46 51.58 34.68 46.24
22 San Antonio Cole Tyrell Dunlap, Hunter Duplessis, Brandon Mercado, Dominic Mercado 44.49 38.27 57.40 48.50
23 Sunnyvale Julius Kirven, Colton Troutman, Joel Ennin, Johnathon Ennin 44.54 37.86 52.56 50.33
24 Milano Timothy Demeritt, Devonte Jones, Ronnie Messer, Corey Carroll 44.60 45.94 37.02 33.01
25 Ingleside Marcus Boyd, Jacob Zabel, Marshall Bell, Christian Avelar 44.68 45.58 37.98 41.11
26 Fort Worth Country Day Joe Breedlove, Brad Chilcoat, Brian Evans, Brandon Evans 44.73 34.89 48.76 47.87
26 Liberty Hill Dyllon Joiner, Grant Ornalez, John Brown-Shannon, Justin Wilson 44.73 39.37 49.21 53.23
28 Canton Tristan Ramos, Dalton Williams, Dylan Cox, Tre Fitzgerald 44.75 41.62 38.04 39.83
29 Cin. Withrow Amir Willis, Aaron Shannon, Elijah Miller, Rashaun O'Neal 44.81 48.85 56.91 53.78
30 Rockdale David Franklin, Davion Ford, Cristian Lara, Jaquayln Crawford 44.81 39.88 48.40 48.85
31 Hamshire-Fannett Blake Williamson, Tyrese White, Jeremiah Hargraves, Kendrick King 44.91 39.08 41.32 43.57
32 Falls City Keyshawn Johnson, Joseph Swierc, Andrew Malcolm, Connor Dziuk 44.95 35.96 54.39 37.76
33 FEAST Calvin Lindley, Jordan Gobert, Jacob Benitez, Kyren Stewart 45.00 38.70 49.05 34.20
34 St. Marks School of Texas Abhinav Thummala, Wyatt Northcut, Seun Omonije, Daniel Garcia 45.00 33.75 53.55 38.25
35 Greenhill School Justin Estrada, Bryson Houston, Jaelen Harris, Konnell Woods 45.06 54.98 41.01 34.70
36 Brock Baylor Kurilec, Cooper Warren, Jansen Ivie, Leddy French 45.18 40.21 32.53 45.64
37 Bonham Kade Trompler, Tyler Rodriguez, Hayden Stevenson, Corey Hartwell 45.27 38.94 46.18 36.22
38 Aubrey Joey Dye, Grayson Grisso, Pablo Vera, Cameron Moore 45.34 48.97 47.61 56.68
39 Kerens Kiyandre Faulk, Cornell Sayles, Branlon Leach, Victor Quashie 45.45 33.64 37.73 50.91
40 Rockport-Fulton David Castillo, Nolan Perry, Chance Guidry, Justin Coleman 45.52 38.24 35.05 38.24
41 Dallas Lincoln Devodric Bynum, Robert Craddock, Kieontay Coleman, Jeremiah Espinoza 45.60 39.68 32.84 45.15
42 Fort Bend Christian Nick Brooks, Tyler Ciavarra, Colton Ciavarra, Ryan McDaniel 45.63 37.88 57.04 59.32
43 St. Andrews Eli-hart Johnson, Evan Marshman, Peter Dyson, Billy Clark 45.70 46.62 44.79 37.48
44 Comfort Aidan Sweeney, Danny Carlos, Jonathan Jiminez, Lawson Berry 45.94 42.27 39.05 37.67
45 Grace Prep Academy Sam Curreri, Elijah McIntyre, Brendan Walters, Ryan Champlin 46.25 42.55 55.50 52.73
46 Corpus Christi West Oso David Coats, KeAaron Sanders, Carlos Collazo, Tre McClary 46.36 43.58 57.49 48.68
47 Midland Christian School Bryan Nguyen, Peyton Powell, Blake Ray, Keifer Gilbreath 46.68 54.15 49.95 50.42
48 Poteet Bobby Lopez, Alfonso Pena, Antonio Sorieno, Jace Meyer 47.01 52.19 59.24 59.71
49 Millsap Brazos Moore, Tanyon Fulenwider, Kolton Davis, Jeff Morlen 47.05 45.64 38.11 59.76
  Banquete Ryan Ocanas, Michael Reyes, Kevin Burleson, Roman Moreno DQ DQ DQ DQ
  La Marque Daequan Jones, Perry Preston, Jaylen Williams, Jaden Bishop DNF DNF DNF DNF
Boys 4 x 100m Relay HS Div. I Preliminaries Heat 1
11 Giddings Page, Lewis, Johnson, Gentry 43.84 49.98 34.64 55.68 39.90 44.72
13 Burnet Gallardo, Cromer, Foster, Johnson 43.91 36.89 49.62 34.69 31.18 42.16
15 McGregor Thompson, Phenix, Lorenz, Medina 44.07 48.48 41.43 33.94 56.85 47.16
16 Episcopal (Bellaire) Young, Booker, Waddle, Otah 44.16 55.65 51.67 39.31 41.51 36.22
23 Sunnyvale Kirven, Troutman, Ennin, Ennin 44.54 42.32 39.64 37.42 31.63 45.43
41 Dallas Lincoln Bynum, Craddock, Coleman, Espinoza 45.60 33.75 46.06 36.48 33.29 54.72
Boys 4 x 100m Relay HS Div. I Preliminaries Heat 2
2 Bishop Dunne Evans, Beason, Harvey, Bell 44.48 34.55 43.18
4 Crockett Epps, Jones, DaMarcus, DaMarkus 48.20 33.00 43.42
8 All Saints Episcopal (FW) Harris, Corbett, Jones, Rynd 45.88 50.68 43.69
9 Crandall Struck, Mitchell, Bryant, Young 51.14 31.48 43.71
32 Falls City Johnson, Swierc, Malcolm, Dziuk 33.72 41.36 44.95
34 St. Marks School of Texas Thummala, Northcut, Omonije, Garcia 57.15 50.40 45.00
48 Poteet Lopez, Pena, Sorieno, Meyer 59.24 37.14 47.01
Boys 4 x 100m Relay HS Div. I Preliminaries Heat 3
18 St. Johns School Ramzel, Emiola, Randall, Hooper Price 40.84 47.95 44.39 39.07 40.84 54.60 39.07
19 Robinson Jackson, Trout, Houston, Grubbs 49.32 48.88 44.43 50.65 39.55 46.21 55.10
20 Taylor Key, Fields, Hornsby, Jackson 32.44 45.77 44.43 39.10 31.55 55.99 57.76
26 Liberty Hill Joiner, Ornalez, Brown-Shannon, Wilson 31.31 39.37 44.73 47.87 51.44 44.73 40.26
46 Corpus Christi West Oso Coats, Sanders, Collazo, McClary 44.97 43.58 46.36 45.44 59.81 37.56 43.12
47 Midland Christian School Nguyen, Powell, Ray, Gilbreath 42.95 37.35 46.68 1:00.22 35.95 42.02 40.62
Boys 4 x 100m Relay HS Div. I Preliminaries Heat 4
5 Dallas Carter Borner, Gray, Goodwater, Roden 42.76 51.92 54.54 31.85 51.05 43.63 51.49
22 San Antonio Cole Dunlap, Duplessis, Mercado, Mercado 37.38 50.72 36.49 49.83 46.72 44.49 52.50
25 Ingleside Boyd, Zabel, Bell, Avelar 52.73 42.00 46.02 42.45 55.41 44.68 42.00
28 Canton Ramos, Williams, Cox, Fitzgerald 42.07 46.10 34.01 49.23 41.17 44.75 50.57
30 Rockdale Franklin, Ford, Lara, Crawford 39.44 55.57 48.85 34.06 53.78 44.81 51.98
36 Brock Kurilec, Warren, Ivie, French 53.32 55.12 47.44 36.15 45.64 45.18 49.25
39 Kerens Faulk, Sayles, Leach, Quashie 55.00 40.45 53.18 51.36 51.82 45.45 58.18
43 St. Andrews Johnson, Marshman, Dyson, Clark 39.31 49.82 35.65 55.30 42.51 45.70 57.13
  Banquete Ocanas, Reyes, Burleson, Moreno DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ
Boys 4 x 100m Relay HS Div. I Preliminaries Heat 5
3 Celina Ortiz, Reeder, Franklin, Norman 43.19 50.97 40.60 42.76 41.47 50.54
7 Coldspring-Oakhurst Taylor, Giddens, Hayes, Gilbert 43.64 41.03 31.42 50.63 34.04 31.86
10 La Vernia Burns, Wells, Wong, Bullard 43.80 50.81 38.11 45.99 49.50 51.69
14 Boerne Byerley, Dunaway, Kennell, Novac 43.94 39.99 33.40 43.50 45.70 50.53
31 Hamshire-Fannett Williamson, White, Hargraves, King 44.91 49.85 38.18 35.48 38.63 44.91
37 Bonham Trompler, Rodriguez, Stevenson, Hartwell 45.27 47.08 35.77 51.61 47.99 38.03
44 Comfort Sweeney, Carlos, Jiminez, Berry 45.94 41.81 49.62 45.03 32.62 41.35
Boys 4 x 100m Relay HS Div. I Preliminaries Heat 7
1 Stafford Brantley, Washington, Brown, Montgomery 31.62 42.72 34.61 42.30 55.11 50.41
12 Waco La Vega Ware, Benson, Loudd, Guilford 38.15 43.85 33.33 30.70 51.31 49.99
24 Milano Demeritt, Jones, Messer, Carroll 32.56 44.60 50.40 50.40 35.24 57.54
33 FEAST Lindley, Gobert, Benitez, Stewart 33.30 45.00 45.45 37.80 52.65 37.80
38 Aubrey Dye, Grisso, Vera, Moore 44.89 45.34 32.65 43.53 31.74 48.52
42 Fort Bend Christian Brooks, Ciavarra, Ciavarra, McDaniel 32.86 45.63 34.23 46.09 49.28 59.32
  La Marque Jones, Preston, Williams, Bishop DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF