January 29-30, 2016
Minnesota-Minnesota FH - Minneapolis, MN
200m (Flat)

Men 1 Mile Run Sections 2 &

1 Brant Gilbertson SO-2 North Dakota State 5:07.28 4:46.44 4:20.40 3:02.28
2 Matthew Jennings JR-3 North Dakota State 3:47.77 4:03.48 4:21.80 3:03.26
3 Mason Quarrell Junior Lakehead University 3:55.75 4:00.99 4:21.94 3:53.13
4 Dorrian Gordon FR-1 Saint Louis 3:06.34 4:43.45 4:22.45 4:09.33
5 Denzel Fogg FR-1 Iowa Central CC 4:05.47 5:24.65 4:23.94 5:06.17
6 Bill Oyet FR-1 Iowa Central CC 5:38.47 3:20.97 4:24.43 5:22.61
7 Colton Nettleton FR-1 Saint Louis 3:39.68 4:45.85 4:24.67 4:16.73
8 Jacob Simmons FR-1 South Dakota 5:30.89 4:14.13 4:24.71 5:36.19
9 Patrique Bulloch   U of Manitoba 3:52.98 4:08.87 4:24.75 3:07.98
10 Josh Dyck   U of Manitoba 3:07.98 3:45.05 4:24.76 4:27.41
11 Nathan Wendt FR-1 South Dakota 5:08.09 5:02.78 4:25.59 4:57.46
12 Nathaniel Souther FR-1 Augustana (S.D.) 3:08.58 3:21.86 4:25.60 4:30.92
13 Karim Achengli FR-1 Iowa Central CC 4:57.87 4:10.00 4:25.95 5:00.53
14 Sebastian Sowada SO-2 St. Cloud State 3:43.58 5:32.70 4:26.16 3:08.98
15 Oscar Carmona SO-2 Iowa Central CC 4:37.27 3:19.95 4:26.60 4:10.61
16 Cody Baele SO-2 Iowa Central CC 3:07.13 3:44.55 4:27.32 3:47.23
17 Nic Ganzeveld SO-2 Iowa Central CC 3:23.68 3:15.64 4:27.99 3:39.76
18 Mathieu Desmarais Senior U of Manitoba 3:07.86 5:16.67 4:28.36 5:24.72
19 Bryce Elm FR-1 Iowa Central CC 3:19.24 5:25.78 4:29.24 4:50.78
20 Jesse Burrows   U of Manitoba 4:59.15 3:24.82 4:29.50 4:10.64
21 Abel Ketema FR-1 Iowa Central CC 5:48.42 4:40.90 4:30.09 3:41.48
22 Pierce Libbey FR-1 South Dakota 4:14.53 4:30.77 4:30.77 5:03.27
23 Hunter Paulsen FR-1 South Dakota 4:08.52 3:29.86 4:36.13 4:19.57
24 Jonas Gjesdal FR-1 Augustana (S.D.) 4:56.75 5:21.71 4:37.33 4:37.33
25 Eldon Warner FR-1 South Dakota 5:43.88 4:03.95 4:53.91 4:56.85
Men 1 Mile Run Sections 2 & Section 1
1 Brant Gilbertson SO-2 North Dakota State 4:38.63 4:43.84 4:09.99 4:20.40 3:56.97 3:25.72
2 Matthew Jennings JR-3 North Dakota State 4:27.04 5:16.78 5:40.34 4:21.80 4:47.98 3:29.44
3 Mason Quarrell Junior Lakehead University 5:01.24 5:30.05 4:32.42 4:21.94 3:11.22 4:40.28
4 Dorrian Gordon FR-1 Saint Louis 5:35.94 3:14.22 4:51.32 4:22.45 3:03.72 4:01.46
5 Denzel Fogg FR-1 Iowa Central CC 4:10.75 5:43.13 4:23.94 4:23.94 3:07.40 3:23.24
6 Bill Oyet FR-1 Iowa Central CC 5:17.32 3:26.26 3:57.99 4:24.43 3:05.11 5:27.90
7 Colton Nettleton FR-1 Saint Louis 4:48.49 3:47.62 4:35.26 4:24.67 4:22.03 4:03.50
9 Patrique Bulloch   U of Manitoba 3:55.63 3:26.51 4:19.46 4:24.75 4:37.99 5:23.00
12 Nathaniel Souther FR-1 Augustana (S.D.) 4:07.01 5:45.28 4:25.60 4:25.60 3:43.11 4:52.16
13 Karim Achengli FR-1 Iowa Central CC 3:59.36 4:33.93 3:08.83 4:25.95 4:36.59 3:06.17
15 Oscar Carmona SO-2 Iowa Central CC 5:14.59 5:17.26 4:21.27 4:26.60 4:42.60 3:43.95
24 Jonas Gjesdal FR-1 Augustana (S.D.) 5:18.93 5:43.89 3:39.09 4:37.33 4:29.01 5:10.61
Men 1 Mile Run Sections 2 & Section 2
8 Jacob Simmons FR-1 South Dakota 3:45.01 4:11.48 4:59.13 4:24.71 3:55.60 4:24.71 4:35.30
10 Josh Dyck   U of Manitoba 5:04.48 3:47.70 5:33.60 3:23.87 4:30.06 4:24.76 4:22.12
11 Nathan Wendt FR-1 South Dakota 4:04.35 5:08.09 4:30.91 5:26.68 3:35.13 4:25.59 4:07.00
14 Sebastian Sowada SO-2 St. Cloud State 4:28.83 5:30.04 5:03.43 3:32.93 3:38.26 4:26.16 5:16.73
16 Cody Baele SO-2 Iowa Central CC 5:34.15 4:08.61 4:11.28 3:52.57 5:34.15 4:27.32 4:43.36
17 Nic Ganzeveld SO-2 Iowa Central CC 4:09.23 5:48.39 5:00.15 4:46.75 4:17.27 4:27.99 3:15.64
18 Mathieu Desmarais Senior U of Manitoba 4:04.21 5:13.99 5:40.82 3:56.16 4:06.90 4:28.36 5:11.30
19 Bryce Elm FR-1 Iowa Central CC 5:25.78 4:31.94 3:24.63 4:42.71 5:33.86 4:29.24 3:59.63
20 Jesse Burrows   U of Manitoba 4:37.59 5:20.71 5:26.10 4:26.81 4:29.50 4:29.50 4:13.33
21 Abel Ketema FR-1 Iowa Central CC 3:14.47 3:41.48 4:24.69 4:40.90 3:19.87 4:30.09 3:14.47
22 Pierce Libbey FR-1 South Dakota 5:46.59 4:55.14 4:28.07 5:33.05 3:09.54 4:30.77 3:28.50
23 Hunter Paulsen FR-1 South Dakota 5:17.55 5:45.17 4:08.52 3:16.06 3:38.15 4:36.13 5:47.93
25 Eldon Warner FR-1 South Dakota 5:46.82 4:45.10 5:05.67 4:36.28 3:46.31 4:53.91 3:49.25