April 18, 2015
East Stroudsburg - East Stroudsburg, PA

Women's 1500 Meters

1 Paris Hughes FR-1 Ramapo 3:54.15 4:45.55 4:36.99
2 Amanda Eisman JR-3 West Chester 4:26.46 4:49.63 6:07.83
3 migton mary SR-4 Seton Hall 6:05.63 4:50.18 4:32.77
4 Christa McLeod   Unattached 6:04.30 4:53.79 4:24.42
5 Patricia Hoffman   Scranton 5:39.36 4:55.09 3:56.08
6 Lauren Toth SO-2 East Stroudsburg 5:27.62 4:55.15 6:17.80
7 Chelsea Conover JR-3 East Stroudsburg 6:24.79 4:55.99 5:01.91
8 Samantha Young FR-1 East Stroudsburg 4:09.69 4:57.25 5:35.90
9 Leigh Manning-Smith JR-3 West Chester 5:54.20 4:57.64 4:15.97
10 Allison Decker SO-2 East Stroudsburg 4:10.54 4:58.26 6:15.81
11 Kelsey Chambers FR-1 Wheeling Jesuit 5:38.73 4:59.76 6:23.70
12 Rachel Herrick SR-4 Ramapo 4:44.83 5:03.01 4:50.89
13 Kimberly Hilfrank SR-4 Franklin & Marshall 4:23.72 5:06.65 4:48.26
14 Kaitlyn Workman FR-1 Wheeling Jesuit 4:08.46 5:06.73 4:08.46
15 Grace Adams FR-1 Franklin & Marshall 3:50.65 5:07.53 4:06.03
16 Amber Csrenko SO-2 Bloomsburg 5:50.88 5:13.28 3:58.10
17 Amanda Long JR-3 Millersville 4:23.65 5:13.86 5:48.39
18 Shannon McIver SO-2 Fashion Institute of Technolog 6:43.09 5:14.91 6:46.24
19 Rachael Weiss JR-3 Franklin & Marshall 4:39.69 5:17.83 5:01.94
20 Stephanie Belbey SO-2 East Stroudsburg 5:16.27 5:19.46 4:53.91
21 BRIANA MILLER JR-3 Seton Hall 6:17.88 5:20.23 3:53.77
22 Jenna Furr FR-1 Wheeling Jesuit 4:47.10 5:22.58 4:50.33
23 Chantal Fauteux JR-3 Cobleskill 5:48.66 5:25.85 4:10.91
24 Jaclyn Anninos   Delaware TC 4:11.39 5:26.48 6:25.25
25 Kharyn Ethridge   Harlem Children's Zone 5:15.76 5:28.91 4:42.87
26 Marina Eberhart SO-2 Bloomsburg 4:20.83 5:30.16 6:29.59
27 ALLEGRA EGIZI FR-1 Seton Hall 4:19.28 5:32.40 5:35.73
28 Becky Scairpon FR-1 Ramapo 5:06.72 5:33.39 5:43.40
29 Brielle Stander SO-2 Franklin & Marshall 7:11.53 5:34.52 4:27.62
30 Jacqui D'Anneo   Delaware TC 6:55.89 5:35.39 6:45.83
31 ruth ryan JR-3 Seton Hall 4:43.49 5:37.48 7:01.85
32 Heather Spadola JR-3 East Stroudsburg 4:18.62 5:40.29 4:42.44
33 Maryam Haque SR-4 New Jersey Institute 6:56.00 5:43.80 5:02.55
34 Alana Jacaruso SO-2 Bloomsburg 6:56.03 5:49.60 6:42.04
35 Alyssa Giungo SR-4 East Stroudsburg 6:50.13 5:53.56 7:29.03
36 Nora Reynolds   Delaware TC 6:38.21 5:55.54 6:20.43
37 Claire Palmer FR-1 Fashion Institute of Technolog 5:41.74 5:55.97 7:00.05
38 Genesis Ramirez FR-1 Wheeling Jesuit 7:43.78 5:59.52 5:59.52
39 Emily Pierre FR-1 East Stroudsburg 7:21.32 6:37.58 7:29.27
40 Samantha Daly FR-1 Fashion Institute of Technolog 5:52.79 6:40.89 5:08.69
41 Maria Menendez FR-1 Fashion Institute of Technolog 4:45.89 6:48.41 5:43.07
42 Lily Jane Raz FR-1 Fashion Institute of Technolog 8:29.09 6:50.55 6:38.24
  Abigail Grehlinger FR-1 Franklin & Marshall SCR SCR SCR
  Rachel Harrick   Ramapo SCR SCR SCR
  Christa Mcleod   Unattached SCR SCR SCR
  samantha young FR-1 Seton Hall SCR SCR SCR
  holli rolli SO-2 Seton Hall SCR SCR SCR
  amanda qualia JR-3 Seton Hall SCR SCR SCR
  desyre blackburn SO-2 Seton Hall SCR SCR SCR
  Abbey Daley SO-2 Millersville SCR SCR SCR
  Larissa Anndeherz FR-1 Bergen CC SCR SCR SCR
  Emma Soto FR-1 Fashion Institute of Technolog SCR SCR SCR
  Kim Campbell FR-1 Middlesex CC SCR SCR SCR
  Alyssa Alex JR-3 Cobleskill SCR SCR SCR
  Steph Soni SR-4 East Stroudsburg SCR SCR SCR
Women's 1500 Meters Section 1
23 Chantal Fauteux JR-3 Cobleskill 5:25.85 6:31.02 6:47.32 6:27.77 4:04.39
27 ALLEGRA EGIZI FR-1 Seton Hall 5:32.40 4:32.57 5:12.46 7:08.80 6:58.83
30 Jacqui D'Anneo   Delaware TC 5:35.39 7:09.30 6:18.99 6:12.29 5:55.52
31 ruth ryan JR-3 Seton Hall 5:37.48 5:47.61 6:11.23 6:31.48 4:09.74
34 Alana Jacaruso SO-2 Bloomsburg 5:49.60 4:36.19 7:17.00 4:22.20 4:29.20
35 Alyssa Giungo SR-4 East Stroudsburg 5:53.56 4:53.46 7:29.03 4:14.57 7:07.81
36 Nora Reynolds   Delaware TC 5:55.54 7:03.10 6:20.43 4:30.21 7:10.21
37 Claire Palmer FR-1 Fashion Institute of Technolog 5:55.97 4:26.98 6:45.81 7:32.09 5:09.70
38 Genesis Ramirez FR-1 Wheeling Jesuit 5:59.52 5:55.93 6:31.88 7:18.62 5:02.00
39 Emily Pierre FR-1 East Stroudsburg 6:37.58 8:24.93 4:42.29 7:01.44 6:21.68
40 Samantha Daly FR-1 Fashion Institute of Technolog 6:40.89 4:48.64 7:49.05 5:00.67 6:52.92
41 Maria Menendez FR-1 Fashion Institute of Technolog 6:48.41 5:14.48 6:32.08 6:52.50 8:01.93
42 Lily Jane Raz FR-1 Fashion Institute of Technolog 6:50.55 5:20.23 8:16.77 7:11.08 5:48.97
  Kim Campbell FR-1 Middlesex CC SCR SCR SCR SCR SCR
  Emma Soto FR-1 Fashion Institute of Technolog SCR SCR SCR SCR SCR
  Larissa Anndeherz FR-1 Bergen CC SCR SCR SCR SCR SCR
  Alyssa Alex JR-3 Cobleskill SCR SCR SCR SCR SCR
  samantha young FR-1 Seton Hall SCR SCR SCR SCR SCR
Women's 1500 Meters Section 2
13 Kimberly Hilfrank SR-4 Franklin & Marshall 5:06.65 3:37.73 5:06.65 4:26.79
15 Grace Adams FR-1 Franklin & Marshall 5:53.66 6:21.34 5:07.53 4:46.01
18 Shannon McIver SO-2 Fashion Institute of Technolog 4:56.02 4:08.78 5:14.91 4:40.27
19 Rachael Weiss JR-3 Franklin & Marshall 4:42.87 4:36.52 5:17.83 4:11.09
20 Stephanie Belbey SO-2 East Stroudsburg 6:23.36 4:18.77 5:19.46 6:13.77
21 BRIANA MILLER JR-3 Seton Hall 5:07.42 6:53.10 5:20.23 6:49.90
24 Jaclyn Anninos   Delaware TC 3:51.80 5:59.13 5:26.48 5:52.60
25 Kharyn Ethridge   Harlem Children's Zone 7:07.59 5:38.78 5:28.91 5:55.23
28 Becky Scairpon FR-1 Ramapo 7:03.41 6:26.74 5:33.39 7:13.41
29 Brielle Stander SO-2 Franklin & Marshall 4:10.89 4:14.24 5:34.52 4:54.38
32 Heather Spadola JR-3 East Stroudsburg 7:22.38 4:28.83 5:40.29 4:59.46
33 Maryam Haque SR-4 New Jersey Institute 7:06.32 5:43.80 5:43.80 5:23.18
  amanda qualia JR-3 Seton Hall SCR SCR SCR SCR
  holli rolli SO-2 Seton Hall SCR SCR SCR SCR
  Abbey Daley SO-2 Millersville SCR SCR SCR SCR
  Steph Soni SR-4 East Stroudsburg SCR SCR SCR SCR
  Abigail Grehlinger FR-1 Franklin & Marshall SCR SCR SCR SCR
  Rachel Harrick   Ramapo SCR SCR SCR SCR
Women's 1500 Meters Section 3
1 Paris Hughes FR-1 Ramapo 5:28.39 4:19.85 3:31.31 4:08.43 4:34.13 4:45.55
2 Amanda Eisman JR-3 West Chester 4:20.67 3:54.60 3:54.60 4:26.46 3:37.23 4:49.63
3 migton mary SR-4 Seton Hall 6:17.24 4:03.76 3:34.74 4:35.68 3:26.03 4:50.18
4 Christa McLeod   Unattached 4:27.35 5:40.80 5:23.17 3:31.53 5:46.68 4:53.79
5 Patricia Hoffman   Scranton 4:01.98 4:37.39 3:41.32 3:50.17 4:55.09 4:55.09
6 Lauren Toth SO-2 East Stroudsburg 5:15.81 4:55.15 3:50.22 5:24.67 4:43.35 4:55.15
7 Chelsea Conover JR-3 East Stroudsburg 4:38.23 4:35.27 4:32.31 6:04.07 4:44.15 4:55.99
8 Samantha Young FR-1 East Stroudsburg 3:34.02 5:53.73 5:41.84 5:38.87 4:24.56 4:57.25
9 Leigh Manning-Smith JR-3 West Chester 5:12.53 6:20.98 3:31.33 5:12.53 5:06.57 4:57.64
10 Allison Decker SO-2 East Stroudsburg 5:45.99 4:46.33 4:55.28 6:00.90 4:43.35 4:58.26
11 Kelsey Chambers FR-1 Wheeling Jesuit 4:53.77 4:44.78 3:41.83 5:59.72 5:41.73 4:59.76
12 Rachel Herrick SR-4 Ramapo 3:32.11 5:57.56 5:54.53 4:17.56 5:15.13 5:03.01
14 Kaitlyn Workman FR-1 Wheeling Jesuit 4:14.59 4:23.79 5:58.88 4:02.32 4:54.46 5:06.73
16 Amber Csrenko SO-2 Bloomsburg 4:07.50 4:10.63 6:41.00 6:37.87 5:22.68 5:13.28
17 Amanda Long JR-3 Millersville 5:26.42 6:48.02 5:10.73 4:17.37 6:22.91 5:13.86
22 Jenna Furr FR-1 Wheeling Jesuit 5:41.94 4:50.33 5:25.81 5:32.26 4:43.87 5:22.58
26 Marina Eberhart SO-2 Bloomsburg 6:59.31 6:49.40 6:09.78 6:22.99 4:47.24 5:30.16
  desyre blackburn SO-2 Seton Hall SCR SCR SCR SCR SCR SCR
  Christa Mcleod   Unattached SCR SCR SCR SCR SCR SCR