April 21-22, 2011
Widener - Chester, PA

Men's 1500 Meters

1 Dominic DellaPelle JR-3 Navy 3:17.19 3:51.98 4:22.14
2 Mike Garrity JR-3 Widener 3:30.03 3:53.36 4:05.03
3 Jeremy Haney JR-3 Navy 3:23.95 3:54.42 3:09.88
4 Brian Basili   Unattached 3:45.65 3:55.05 4:35.01
5 Chris O'Sullivan   Unattached 2:50.13 3:56.28 4:50.63
6 Kenneth Bunnell JR-3 Navy 5:01.35 3:57.28 3:12.20
7 Michael Sheehan JR-3 Navy 4:31.26 3:57.94 3:15.11
8 Jimmy James cole   Unattached 2:54.26 3:58.71 4:13.04
9 Zach Sullivan SO-2 La Salle 4:30.45 3:59.33 2:47.54
10 Cody Thompson FR-1 Navy 3:26.71 4:00.36 4:50.84
11 Chris Pietrocarlo   Unattached 3:17.64 4:01.02 4:34.77
12 Matt Langdale SR-4 West Chester 3:08.29 4:01.39 4:25.53
13 Colin Barrett SR-4 La Salle 3:01.17 4:01.56 4:49.88
14 Mark Lee   Unattached 4:33.49 4:02.02 3:35.40
15 Brandon Hahn SR-4 Johns Hopkins 4:18.24 4:03.62 3:34.39
16 Michael Quinn FR-1 Widener 2:55.79 4:04.15 4:16.36
17 Andrew Lanham   Unattached 4:04.99 4:04.99 4:51.54
18 Kasey Geller JR-3 La Salle 4:46.82 4:05.14 5:18.69
19 Andrew Coco FR-1 Navy 4:12.80 4:05.43 4:07.89
20 Jacob Perry SO-2 West Chester 4:57.39 4:05.77 4:20.52
21 Richie Bohny   Unattached 3:33.94 4:05.90 2:59.51
22 Noah Hutton FR-1 Philadelphia U. 3:07.33 4:06.48 3:14.72
23 Aidan DuMont-McCaffery SO-2 Swarthmore 5:15.52 4:06.50 4:48.41
24 C.J. Naper JR-3 McDaniel 2:58.59 4:08.04 4:15.49
25 Danny Harris   Unattached 3:33.42 4:08.16 2:53.72
26 William Lowrey JR-3 Muhlenberg 3:31.92 4:09.31 4:21.78
27 Joe Morris SO-2 La Salle 4:21.87 4:09.40 4:29.36
28 Ryan Wilson SR-4 Muhlenberg 3:15.03 4:10.03 3:45.03
29 John McMinn SO-2 Swarthmore 3:10.35 4:10.45 5:10.56
30 Harold Lamour SR Juventus 5:23.30 4:10.62 3:45.56
31 Robert Fain FR-1 Swarthmore 3:38.70 4:11.38 3:51.27
32 James Frick SO-2 Johns Hopkins 3:56.57 4:11.67 4:01.61
33 Nick Kisley SO-2 Johns Hopkins 5:17.23 4:11.77 5:22.27
34 Alec Webster FR-1 Johns Hopkins 5:05.12 4:12.16 4:55.03
35 Jake Zamostny FR-1 McDaniel 5:07.85 4:12.33 3:54.67
36 Pete Houlihan JR-3 Johns Hopkins 4:32.55 4:12.36 3:37.03
37 Jacob Phillips SO-2 Swarthmore 3:32.57 4:13.06 2:57.15
38 Tyler Keith SO-2 Gettysburg 3:50.35 4:13.13 3:12.38
39 Nick Costello   franklinville track club 3:22.52 4:13.15 3:47.84
40 Ceth Parker JR-3 Juniata 5:16.72 4:13.37 5:11.65
41 Kenny Goodfellow SR-4 Juniata 4:29.05 4:13.82 4:51.90
42 Nicholas D'Angelo JR-3 Lebanon Valley 4:04.16 4:14.33 3:10.75
43 Jon Pfadenhauer SR-4 Juniata 4:37.29 4:14.39 5:00.18
44 Nik Klena JR-3 Juniata 4:36.47 4:15.99 5:02.07
45 Ian Hilliard SR-4 Widener 4:31.40 4:16.03 4:33.96
46 Anthony Lancaster FR-1 West Chester 4:42.29 4:16.62 4:14.06
47 Kevin Day FR-1 La Salle 3:47.99 4:19.07 4:42.39
48 Phil Cook Sophomore Prince George's CC 3:50.73 4:19.24 4:19.24
49 Andrew Henry JR-3 Muhlenberg 4:53.76 4:19.96 3:40.97
50 Adam Biner JR-3 Rutgers-Camden 4:38.21 4:20.01 3:22.81
51 Chris Wickham JR-3 Swarthmore 3:44.40 4:20.92 3:31.35
52 Brian Cotter   Delaware TC 4:57.64 4:21.08 3:10.59
53 Nate Alter FR-1 Juniata 3:17.09 4:22.78 5:33.73
54 Nathan Dordai FR-1 Johns Hopkins 3:56.77 4:23.07 4:25.70
55 Hugh Troeger FR-1 Swarthmore 3:28.41 4:23.81 3:57.43
56 Thomas Daniels SR-4 Gettysburg 5:02.87 4:25.67 3:43.17
57 Nathan Crossette SO-2 Muhlenberg 4:10.27 4:26.24 4:47.54
58 Luke Brady   Delaware TC 3:17.46 4:26.83 5:06.86
59 Ryan Gorz Freshman Gloucester County College 4:54.40 4:27.63 5:42.57
60 William King SO-2 Swarthmore 3:18.09 4:27.69 3:07.39
61 Logan Brady   Delaware TC 3:31.59 4:27.83 3:36.95
62 Scott Murphy SO-2 Philadelphia U. 3:26.58 4:28.28 4:52.43
63 Charlie Huntington JR-3 Swarthmore 5:44.89 4:29.44 4:10.58
64 Ryan Harrigan FR-1 Widener 4:43.39 4:29.89 4:29.89
65 Tom Manzione FR-1 Johns Hopkins 5:24.63 4:30.52 3:28.30
66 Jonathan Holbert JR-3 Eastern 4:57.75 4:30.68 4:38.80
67 Trevor Guyer FR-1 Juniata 4:55.09 4:33.23 3:16.73
68 Ryan Arnold Sophomore Bergen CC 4:04.83 4:35.08 4:10.33
69 Khalil Taylor JR Juventus 5:22.23 4:37.78 3:14.45
70 Stuart Russell FR-1 Swarthmore 4:11.05 4:38.94 5:48.68
71 Kareem Lanier SR TNT International Racing 3:21.28 4:39.55 5:10.30
72 Tyler Blake Freshman Bergen CC 3:22.95 4:49.92 5:13.12
73 John Doughten Sophomore Gloucester County College 3:57.60 4:53.33 4:44.53
74 Momo Cole Freshman CC of Philadelphia 5:38.84 4:54.64 5:00.54
75 Todd Grover FR-1 Rutgers-Camden 4:37.68 4:58.58 4:01.85
76 Jason Stein FR-1 McDaniel 5:25.21 5:12.70 4:53.94
77 Kadeem James SO-2 Medgar Evers 4:06.02 5:15.41 5:46.96
Men's 1500 Meters Section 1
1 Dominic DellaPelle JR-3 Navy 3:35.75 4:43.02 4:12.86 3:51.98 4:08.22 3:14.87
2 Mike Garrity JR-3 Widener 4:40.04 3:37.03 4:05.03 3:53.36 3:02.02 4:51.70
3 Jeremy Haney JR-3 Navy 4:50.68 3:49.74 4:36.62 3:54.42 4:08.49 4:29.59
4 Brian Basili   Unattached 4:53.82 3:33.90 3:36.25 3:55.05 2:46.89 3:22.15
5 Chris O'Sullivan   Unattached 4:34.09 3:06.67 2:54.85 3:56.28 4:55.35 4:52.99
6 Kenneth Bunnell JR-3 Navy 5:01.35 2:46.10 4:23.38 3:57.28 3:57.28 2:50.85
7 Michael Sheehan JR-3 Navy 4:36.01 3:41.29 3:31.77 3:57.94 4:09.84 3:22.25
10 Cody Thompson FR-1 Navy 4:17.19 5:07.66 4:00.36 4:00.36 3:57.96 3:31.52
11 Chris Pietrocarlo   Unattached 3:39.33 3:51.38 3:53.79 4:01.02 4:27.54 3:48.97
13 Colin Barrett SR-4 La Salle 2:53.93 4:01.56 3:44.65 4:01.56 4:16.06 3:15.67
18 Kasey Geller JR-3 La Salle 3:33.28 3:28.37 3:50.44 4:05.14 3:25.92 5:03.98
19 Andrew Coco FR-1 Navy 3:33.53 3:40.89 5:09.25 4:05.43 4:05.43 3:11.44
25 Danny Harris   Unattached 2:58.68 3:21.01 4:40.42 4:08.16 3:18.53 4:05.68
47 Kevin Day FR-1 La Salle 4:42.39 4:32.03 5:29.02 4:19.07 5:05.71 5:26.43
Men's 1500 Meters Section 2
8 Jimmy James cole   Unattached 3:58.71 4:56.00 4:03.49 3:34.84 2:51.88
9 Zach Sullivan SO-2 La Salle 3:59.33 2:52.32 4:11.30 4:44.81 4:40.02
12 Matt Langdale SR-4 West Chester 4:01.39 5:06.57 4:32.77 3:05.87 2:58.63
14 Mark Lee   Unattached 4:02.02 4:18.97 3:23.30 3:42.66 2:49.42
15 Brandon Hahn SR-4 Johns Hopkins 4:03.62 5:16.71 3:00.28 4:40.17 5:14.27
16 Michael Quinn FR-1 Widener 4:04.15 4:45.66 4:55.43 4:57.87 5:00.31
17 Andrew Lanham   Unattached 4:04.99 4:53.99 4:29.49 5:16.04 3:33.15
20 Jacob Perry SO-2 West Chester 4:05.77 4:15.60 5:17.05 3:19.08 3:33.82
21 Richie Bohny   Unattached 4:05.90 3:26.56 4:37.87 3:14.27 4:45.25
22 Noah Hutton FR-1 Philadelphia U. 4:06.48 3:41.84 3:46.77 3:02.40 4:53.32
23 Aidan DuMont-McCaffery SO-2 Swarthmore 4:06.50 4:23.76 3:27.06 4:26.22 3:09.81
24 C.J. Naper JR-3 McDaniel 4:08.04 3:28.36 4:22.93 4:47.73 5:19.98
27 Joe Morris SO-2 La Salle 4:09.40 3:56.93 3:41.97 5:11.75 5:04.27
32 James Frick SO-2 Johns Hopkins 4:11.67 3:16.31 4:49.42 5:02.01 4:06.64
35 Jake Zamostny FR-1 McDaniel 4:12.33 5:00.28 4:19.90 4:14.86 4:22.43
50 Adam Biner JR-3 Rutgers-Camden 4:20.01 5:25.02 4:56.42 4:35.61 3:17.61
Men's 1500 Meters Section 3
26 William Lowrey JR-3 Muhlenberg 3:36.90 2:59.51 3:19.45 3:19.45 3:29.42 4:09.31
28 Ryan Wilson SR-4 Muhlenberg 3:50.03 5:02.54 4:32.54 3:47.53 4:55.04 4:10.03
29 John McMinn SO-2 Swarthmore 3:47.91 3:32.89 3:40.40 5:25.59 5:03.05 4:10.45
30 Harold Lamour SR Juventus 2:55.44 3:00.45 3:35.54 3:17.99 3:30.52 4:10.62
31 Robert Fain FR-1 Swarthmore 4:49.09 3:23.62 4:28.98 3:11.05 3:31.16 4:11.38
33 Nick Kisley SO-2 Johns Hopkins 4:29.40 5:07.16 3:01.28 4:57.09 4:54.57 4:11.77
36 Pete Houlihan JR-3 Johns Hopkins 5:10.41 3:34.51 3:49.65 4:52.74 3:42.08 4:12.36
37 Jacob Phillips SO-2 Swarthmore 5:18.86 3:47.76 3:07.27 3:02.21 5:23.92 4:13.06
39 Nick Costello   franklinville track club 4:28.34 4:20.75 4:43.53 3:42.78 4:56.19 4:13.15
40 Ceth Parker JR-3 Juniata 4:31.11 3:25.23 3:37.90 4:53.91 5:04.05 4:13.37
42 Nicholas D'Angelo JR-3 Lebanon Valley 4:47.40 5:17.92 3:46.36 3:23.47 5:30.63 4:14.33
44 Nik Klena JR-3 Juniata 4:56.95 3:06.88 5:07.19 4:08.31 5:30.23 4:15.99
46 Anthony Lancaster FR-1 West Chester 5:00.25 5:33.61 5:05.38 3:22.73 4:32.02 4:16.62
54 Nathan Dordai FR-1 Johns Hopkins 3:54.14 4:15.18 3:22.57 4:30.97 5:20.95 4:23.07
68 Ryan Arnold Sophomore Bergen CC 3:37.32 5:38.35 3:59.32 3:40.07 3:56.57 4:35.08
70 Stuart Russell FR-1 Swarthmore 3:43.16 5:06.84 4:16.63 4:08.26 3:40.37 4:38.94
Men's 1500 Meters Section 4
34 Alec Webster FR-1 Johns Hopkins 3:39.38 5:00.07 5:25.29 3:11.65 4:12.16 4:57.55
38 Tyler Keith SO-2 Gettysburg 3:22.51 5:29.07 5:26.54 3:22.51 4:13.13 3:09.85
41 Kenny Goodfellow SR-4 Juniata 5:19.82 3:48.44 5:27.43 2:57.68 4:13.82 4:18.90
43 Jon Pfadenhauer SR-4 Juniata 5:28.17 3:23.52 4:57.64 4:37.29 4:14.39 3:54.04
45 Ian Hilliard SR-4 Widener 5:09.80 5:32.84 4:13.47 4:57.00 4:16.03 3:06.91
49 Andrew Henry JR-3 Muhlenberg 5:14.56 3:46.17 5:06.76 3:48.77 4:19.96 3:46.17
51 Chris Wickham JR-3 Swarthmore 5:36.59 3:54.83 4:31.36 5:39.20 4:20.92 3:31.35
52 Brian Cotter   Delaware TC 3:44.53 3:34.09 4:36.75 5:15.91 4:21.08 3:41.92
55 Hugh Troeger FR-1 Swarthmore 4:42.28 3:44.24 3:57.43 3:44.24 4:23.81 5:08.66
57 Nathan Crossette SO-2 Muhlenberg 3:48.97 3:40.98 5:40.79 4:28.91 4:26.24 5:35.47
58 Luke Brady   Delaware TC 3:22.79 4:34.84 4:42.84 4:29.50 4:26.83 3:52.15
61 Logan Brady   Delaware TC 4:30.51 3:31.59 5:32.11 3:36.95 4:27.83 5:26.76
65 Tom Manzione FR-1 Johns Hopkins 5:51.68 5:00.28 3:47.24 5:11.10 4:30.52 4:30.52
71 Kareem Lanier SR TNT International Racing 3:52.03 5:49.44 3:24.08 5:15.90 4:39.55 5:43.85
72 Tyler Blake Freshman Bergen CC 5:16.02 5:47.91 4:09.34 4:58.62 4:49.92 4:20.93
Men's 1500 Meters Section 5
48 Phil Cook Sophomore Prince George's CC 4:19.24 4:34.80
53 Nate Alter FR-1 Juniata 4:22.78 3:43.37
56 Thomas Daniels SR-4 Gettysburg 4:25.67 3:19.26
59 Ryan Gorz Freshman Gloucester County College 4:27.63 3:36.78
60 William King SO-2 Swarthmore 4:27.69 4:19.66
62 Scott Murphy SO-2 Philadelphia U. 4:28.28 5:38.04
63 Charlie Huntington JR-3 Swarthmore 4:29.44 3:46.33
64 Ryan Harrigan FR-1 Widener 4:29.89 5:34.67
66 Jonathan Holbert JR-3 Eastern 4:30.68 4:19.86
67 Trevor Guyer FR-1 Juniata 4:33.23 5:22.42
69 Khalil Taylor JR Juventus 4:37.78 5:58.34
73 John Doughten Sophomore Gloucester County College 4:53.33 3:25.34
74 Momo Cole Freshman CC of Philadelphia 4:54.64 5:03.48
75 Todd Grover FR-1 Rutgers-Camden 4:58.58 3:32.00
76 Jason Stein FR-1 McDaniel 5:12.70 6:18.37
77 Kadeem James SO-2 Medgar Evers 5:15.41 5:46.96